Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Cuidado con los Beats

Iniciado por Kyrian, Diciembre 28, 2013, 14:38:45

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema

It's Christmas Day. You've carefully wrapped the Beats headphones your daughter's been dreaming of, and she's just about to see that dream become a reality. You look on with glee as she tears the paper from her brand new set of cans only to find that these cans were not the cans she was looking for. These cans, it seems, were filled with tuna.

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Orejeros: V-Moda M-100, Fidelio X1, Mad Dogs
IEMs: Logitech UE900, Sony XBA 3IP


Al listillo que dió el cambiazo en algún centro comercial , terminará siendo pillado (menudo lumbreras). 
Fuentes:  Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 10.1, Denon MC6000, HK 155.
Auriculares:  Sennheiser Amperior , Denon AH-D600.
Amplificadores:  Ibasso D42 DAC / AMPLI.
Antiguos auriculares: Sennheiser HD25 CII, Sennheiser Momentun, BeyerDinamic DT770 80,...y los que faltan por llegar.