Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Mensajes - Hifi_spain

sabeis si el sansa clip+ admite lrcs para ver las letras de las canciones que suenan?
Gracias a todos.
Si a todo lo que decis unimos 3 cosas, primero, que es el mas barato con diferencia, segundo que es de los pocos que suenan bien sin tener que tocar EQs... y tercero que en HEAD-FI opinan lo mismo...
Pues eso, que me comprare uno.
Pues eso foreros.
Espero vuestras opiniones...
Ya Targus, pero el problema es que sean un fake y que abras la disputa y luego paypal te diga que si no los envias de vuelta na de na...
Y es una faena... aunque luego te devuelvan los gastos de envio...  :-\
Hola foreros!!

Buscando el mejor precio para estos auticulares encontré esto:

Esta claro que en ebay hay mucho timo, pero esta es la conversacion con el vendedor...:

You know that ebay is full of fakes of this
I'm form spain and I want to know if are you sure
that your headphones are true and original...
Many thanks!
Hi there, many customer they ask me same question before they purchase , and finally they decided to buy in my store  I Guarantee I sell genuine product only, even the AKG K450 is expensive, but many people purchase in my store , you can see the sell record and my feedback

like this one: "I bought AKG K 450 and it was orginal. Fast shipping also. Two thumbs up !" From Buyer:potato7874 ( Feedback Score Of 6 )

Again, I sell genuine earphone only .thanks
Are you sure that your product is exactly the same than the
product that i can buy here in spain?
Is not oem?
I'm a DJ and i will know if this headphones are a fake or
cool, you are DJ so you will know it's orgional or fake  I don't need to explain more. I got the item directly from factory's stock .thanks

que pensais????????