General => Discusión general (Off-topic) => Mensaje iniciado por: D2Cowones en Mayo 16, 2012, 19:10:55

Título: Disculpas de ampcity
Publicado por: D2Cowones en Mayo 16, 2012, 19:10:55
He recibido este mail y me ha parecido curioso. En primer lugar compartirlo por si alguien estaba a punto de realizar alguna compra lo tenga en cuenta (para bien o para mal según criterio).

No he realizado ninguna transacción con ellos por lo que no puedo juzgar, aunque estuve a puntito de comprar un DAC y por eso me registré. Es una tienda británica que básicamente comercializa productos chinos:

Aquí pongo el rollo-mail, parece que la solución ha sido como cuando hubo la huelga de controladores en USA (todos-a-la-puta-calle), y el problema basado en los servicios referentes a productos de Unique Melody.
En cualquier caso, una disculpa formal no arregla las cosas pero es un primer paso que muchos no dan.

Dear Past and Present Customers,

I am sorry.

The past four months have been the worst operational period in our short history. Our service has been poor; we missed considerably the UM promo turnaround guidelines, failed to keep in regular contact, and have been slow to respond to update requests and product enquiries leaving customers frustrated. While this has affected recent customers, I think it is necessary for this message to reach all who previously have ordered with AmpCity in order to make clear my regret and intent to improve.

To those let down: I cannot express how sorry I am for the stress, inconvenience and frustration we have caused. You guys invested in us, not only by handing over your hard-earned cash, but also with your trust. What's worse is AmpCity was founded on a promise to provide exceptional advice, products and support and we've failed to deliver on this recently. Because of the faith you placed in us, AmpCity has grown at a pace that quite frankly we were not prepared for. We struggled to match customer demand and did not expand and take appropriate measures quickly enough. There are no excuses for breaking our promise and keeping you in the dark - the buck stops solely with us.

We are dead-set on fixing these problems and making sure they never happen in the future and, if you'll allow us, rebuilding the trust you placed in us. I'll be focussing exclusively on this on from here on in - it's the only thing that matters in a community such as ours.

The team will be getting back to all outstanding enquiries within the next three days. If you need an update for a current order, are urgently awaiting response to a query, or we unintentionally miss you, please contact me directly at and I'll get back to you within six hours. If you have a specific complaint, please also get in touch so we can resolve the issue. Likewise for any UM customer, globally, who is still waiting on promo items.

Going forward, and to make sure this does not happen again, I am committed to the following: a new customer-service hire within 8 weeks, improved to    ols and resources for staff, bi-monthly updates for UM customers, and a response to all enquiries within 48 hours. The 48-hour response time is a guarantee; if we fail on this we'll give you a 15% refund on the order.  Please let me know if you have a suggestion for further commitments you'd like to see implemented.

As patient customers and valuable members of the audiophile community, you deserve better - we'll be doing everything prove our renewed commitment and exceed your expectations now and in the future.  I only hope you will give us the opportunity to do so.


Zainul Dhalla
Director, AmpCity
Título: Re:Disculpas de ampcity
Publicado por: FRR en Mayo 16, 2012, 19:14:38
Ya me gustaría a mí que Richard Allen, de EB Acoustics, nos escribiera un e-mail así a todos los damnificados.  :triste: O que escribiera un mail, eso ya sería mucho.

Curioso sí que es.