Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Nuevos auriculares Ipod???

Iniciado por rodaballo, Septiembre 09, 2009, 20:18:00

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De colores!!!

1:58 p.m. | More iPod Changes We're briefly talking about the iPod Classic now, which is getting more memory but remaining otherwise unchanged. And we're quickly on to the iPod Shuffle, and a wider range of headphones that will have the Shuffle remote controller built in. The sensitive-ear crowd will be thrilled to be able to kick those white earbuds. The new Shuffle, which will sell for $59 and $79, will come in five colors. There's also a polished, stainless-steel "special edition."



Cita de: Asincrono en Septiembre 09, 2009, 21:19:19
¿A qué sonará el verde? ???

tienen mucho bajo, te recomiendo azul o gris que tienen el sonido un poco mas balanceado  ;D


Me intrigan los "stainless-steel "special edition"...

Serán un poquito pesados?